Friday, September 13, 2013

It's a love story, baby, just say... "Yes."

My love story...

So this may sound a little dramatic, but I had planned my life in preparation of living single ...forever.  I never had boyfriends or went on dates like "normal" girls and to be honest I was okay with that.

Then one day Cheeseball was transferred to my store.  I am a shy and quiet person and he says it took a lot of work to get me to talk to him.  Since we worked together it was not really a consideration that we would be anything more than friends.

After the Cheese was transferred and I thought we would never see each other again, I received a "group" text which I later found out only went to me that said " Beers?" (how romantic)

***side note*** the fact that we went out drinking for our first date is extra funny to me since I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to alcohol now and convinced I will die even if I drink a sip...I don't know maybe my younger self forced myself to not be allergic to "fit in" ... Maybe I'm like Dwight Schrute and can train my veins to constrict on command...hmmm

The very next day I actually went to Canada with my family and had to turn off my phone for 4 days...(oh the suspense).  When I came back to the country we became inseparable.

One Year!

Fast forward a degree, new house and four years later we are now engaged!  Matt did a great job planning our engagement and I had absolutely NO idea it was coming any time soon.

It all happened on an especially blizzardy day back in January. (January 25th, 2013 to be exact, Matt's birthday! )  We had already planned in advance to go to a Brazilian steak house in Indianapolis and apparently I was unintentionally sabotaging his whole plan.

I had to get my grandma up that morning and she was taking particularly long and I was getting really, really frustrated (the yelling and slamming doors kind of frustrated) and then I was getting nauseous in the car ride..ugh.(Tracie sabotage #1)  Plus my parents were calling me every 10 minutes because the roads weren't the greatest.

When we finally got to the restaurant, I was feeling much better.  But before we could eat, Matt cryptically asked, "Do you promise not to be mad at me today?" (Oh boy..this can't be good.)  I hesitantly said yes and then received a small jewelry box (I don't like when he spends too much money on me).  And NOOO it's not what you were thinking, he gave me a pair of diamond earrings to replace the ones I lost on a vacation.  Don't forget it's his birthday, shouldn't I be giving the gifts!?

During lunch, I attempted to call my parents to tell them we had made it to our destination in one piece, but Matt quickly told me to do that after lunch because then I'll be stuck on the phone forever (Tracie sabotage #2) Apparently my parents already new he was going to pop the question.

After dinner, we were pleasantly plump but Matt all of a sudden wanted a coffee... and here comes Tracie sabotage #3.  He says I was a little irritated but I had planned on getting coffees at the mall so we could sip on while we were walking around, oh well.  While we lingered while he drank his coffee, Matt goes, "Can I have one more thing for my birthday?" and whips out the REAL DEAL this time...

 So I guess I made quite the scene when the Cheese proposed and was crying so hysterically that people were looking to see what was wrong.  At the end we received a round of applause.  I don't normally like attention, but that was nice :)

I suppose the next step is wedding planning...and that my friends is a whole other story...

peace out until next time,