Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bleed Blood Give Blood

 Hoxworth Blood Center

Today I donated blood at Hoxworth right after work.  They prefer you eat a good meal before you donate so I chowed down on my second Egg McMuffin of the day that my lovely fiance (still feels so weird to say that!!) brought to me at work.  (Food is the way to this girl's heart :) )

2013-06-03 17.09.38.jpgThis got me thinking of how I started donating.  I was the kind of kid who was terrified of needles, I remember getting shots in my leg and and holding my mommy's hand probably until I was 12.  For some reason when I got older, I thought to myself in order to get over this fear I have to donate blood.  (Now that's a gigantic needle!). And I have been donating ever since.

There are pretty many perks to donating blood as well.  I have gotten numerous t-shirts, a cup, movie tickets, food coupons, etc...oh and the saving two lives thing!

Now donors can get points for donating good towards movie tickets, restaurants, t-shirts every time they donate.  It's really a nice program.

The people at Hoxworth are also a riot.  I love joking around with them.  Today I pulled out all the stops and amazed them with my knowledge on blood labs, they were pretty impressed.  I encourage anyone who can, to donate and help save some lives.

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